Maike logro en el mes de Marzo gran cantidad de material ufologico delante de varios testigos algunos incluso investigadores del fenómeno con varios años en el estudio de esta materia, quienes reconocen que el chileno es un verdadero fenómeno digno de estudio puesto que puede lograr cualquier registro tanto en vídeo como en fotografía a cualquier hora usando distintos tipos de equipos de distintas marcas y modelos .
En el mes de septiembre se realizara una invitación abierta para quienes estén interesados en participar en una salida de terreno donde podrán tomar registros de los ovnis en compañía del contactado chileno y usando sus propios equipos .
Esta es una invitación abierta de la cual todo el mundo podrá participar
They free to 200 photographs of the phenomenon ufo, some of these registries were obtained in front of investigators in Chile. A complete file that is made up of 200 photographies obtained within the Chilean national territory in which is to part of the phenomenon ufo, are some of the interesting registries that today we showed the world. Maike profit in the month of March great amount of ufologico material in front of several witnesses some even investigators of the phenomenon with several years in the study of this matter, that recognize that the Chilean is a true worthy phenomenon of study since can as much obtain any registry in video as in photography to any hour using different types from equipment of different marks and models. In the month of September a abierta invitation would be realised for those who is interested in participating in an exit of land where they will be able to take registries from the ufos in company of the Chilean contacted one and using its own equipment. This is a abierta invitation in which everybody will be able to participate Web masters contact ufo in Chile informing
They free to 200 photographs of the phenomenon ufo, some of these registries were obtained in front of investigators in Chile. A complete file that is made up of 200 photographies obtained within the Chilean national territory in which is to part of the phenomenon ufo, are some of the interesting registries that today we showed the world. Maike profit in the month of March great amount of ufologico material in front of several witnesses some even investigators of the phenomenon with several years in the study of this matter, that recognize that the Chilean is a true worthy phenomenon of study since can as much obtain any registry in video as in photography to any hour using different types from equipment of different marks and models. In the month of September a abierta invitation would be realised for those who is interested in participating in an exit of land where they will be able to take registries from the ufos in company of the Chilean contacted one and using its own equipment. This is a abierta invitation in which everybody will be able to participate Web masters contact ufo in Chile informing
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contacto ovni en chile
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