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1 oct 2009


Rods Seen Over BaghdadFrom Jose Escamillaskyfish@pacbell.net4-3-3 Don't know what RODS are????VisitJose Escamilla has done extensive research and video taping of RODSfor several years, even trying to prove to himself that these are bugs orbirds or some other form of video distortion. Jose has discovered thatRODS are indeed none of the above and his research

I've been getting e-mails from all over the world and although I haven't seen the footage, here are some stills sent to me from a viewer who happened to tape them.

There is a report that says RODS and BATS are seen flying about in the same scenes!

I am looking for this footage if anyone captured this contact me ASAP as I need to see this and look at what else might be in the same shots.

Last week I found a ROD that zips through anti aircraft explosions that are over the city and this RODS flies through effortlessly and does not get hit nor affected by the explosions in the air. Clear shot and it is moving VERY fast.

Jose Escamilla

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