Los angeles de Dios son transparentes pueden tomar cualquier forma y estan llenos de energia, los vimos y fotografiamos en Chile .
Una nueva y reciente experiencia con estos extraños fenómenos confirman totalmente chileno Maike Sierra se adelanto a los acontecimientos.
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Un tiempo atrás Maike dijo textualmente y comunico abiertamente esta información;
Fui informado hoy de la llegada en los próximos meses dos grandes navíos estelares a la tierra, en ellos se realizan estudios del estado de nuestro pleneta actualmente, se ubicaran estos navios estelares en el sector de los Andes.
No estarán visibles al ojo humano por esta razón la gente tiene que estar tranquila, estos navíos transportan a las perosnas de la galaxia nuestros hermanos quienes trabajan ayudando al planeta.
Entrego esta información publicamente y que sea de interés para quienes tengan la capacidad de entender la importancia de esto para nuestro planeta.
Como verán Maike en esos días se adelanto nuevamente a los acontecimientos, hoy recibimos la confirmación de la aparición en Argentina de un gran navio ovni nunca antes visto en el lugar con detalles de parte de los testigos que calzan totalmente con lo que Maike informo en el pasado.
Ustedes podrán encontrar esta información completamente, revisando los textos antiguos de las publicaciones de contacto ovni de algun tiempo atrás.
Otro increíble acontecimiento ocurrido recientemente que concuerda con un antiguo texto, es el que se refiere a los escritos realizados por el argentino BENJAMIN SOLARI considerado el ( nostradamus argentino ) quien escribió varios textos en el pasado en los que se habla claramente lo siguiente referente de los extraterrestres .
Los Andes hablaran al mundo de la verdad de los seres del espacio …………………………….
La aparición de los extraterrestres en la codillera de los Andes Chile el pasado 6 de Julio es definitivamente un acontecimiento mundial de mucha importancia que estaba profetizado por BENJAMIN SOLARI en el pasado, de esta manera demuestro que estos acontecimientos son totalmente reales y forman parte de la historia de lo que ocurrirá con la humanidad conforme pase el tiempo .
Todas estas señales tienen una tremenda importancia por esta razón recomiendo que la gente ponga mucha atención a todo en cuanto ocurre no solamente en Chile, sino en el mundo entero referente a la presencia de la gente de la galaxia en nuestro planeta.
Otras importantes palabras de Maike aquí en donde se refiere a la presencia de los extraterrestres, que considero mencionar públicamente para que podamos todos comprender mejor el tema .
El dice que ellos gente que habita en la galaxia no realizaran contacto alguno con ningún gobierno de este planeta.
No contestaran las señales de organismos que buscan vida inteligente fuera de nuestro sistema planetario , uno de ellos conocido es el SETI organismo que busca vida inteligente extraterrestre con un presupuesto que conocemos millonario el que gastan todos los años.
Maike personalmente mando en el pasado dos cartas informando a este y otros organismos referente de esta materia .
Usted se preguntara como es posible que este organismo no encuentre vida inteligente extraterrestre aquí, si en nuestro planeta existen todos los días reportes del fenómeno ovni por los que ademas estan por todo el mundo .
Con esto demuestro que hay una manipulacion de este tema en el mundo .
Mas incluso Maike llega hoy a las 84.000 fotografías y tiene la increíble capacidad de salir en cualquier momento y fotografiar o video grabar a cualquier hora, ovnis junto con extraños fenómenos en el cielo que como todos conocen gente vinculada al área de la ciencia no logran explicar hoy.
Esto lo confirme porque personalmente fui testigo de esta realidad, pero es muy importante que las personas comprendan que cada uno de estos registros en conjunto con la aparición de los ovnis nos da una sola y potente señal para nuestra humanidad hoy .
La primera que no estamos solos, la segunda que es importante que el ser humano cambie su conducta en todo el planeta porque el modelo que hay hoy aquí no sirve y atenta contra la evolución de la conciencia que es y comprendemos la única manera de poder crecer sin auto destruirnos que es por donde muchos estan caminando erradamente hoy .
Solo practicando la compasión y el amor junto con la verdad seremos libres como nos enseña y explica la Biblia y de esta manera podremos avanzar con un modelo de ser humano mas humano el cual pueda traspasar las distintas dimensiones trayendo a nosotros los fundamentos de lo secreto.
De esta manera catapultándonos a un nivel mas alto donde seremos y participaremos como una civilización súper galáctica usando todos nuestros dones y talentos en conjunto con los seres de luz integrales electro magneticos compuestos de pura energia los mismos que parecen en la fotografías logradas por Maike en Chile quienes están hoy aquí llegando cada vez en mas cantidad y esperan poder pronto encontrase abiertamente con todos nosotros .
Se abrirán nuevamente los cielos y veremos la magna presencia de nuestro creador y el hombre entenderá finalmente que nunca estuvimos solos y que ellos nuestros hermanos tienen sus templos aquí mismo , en la otra dimensión que es otra realidad que no vemos pero que esta aquí .
Caeremos rendidos ante esta realidad al ver que aparecen en distintos lugares del planeta hermosas ciudades de luz, templos maravillosos que hablan de grandes y poderosos seres de luz que trabajan en todo el universo.
Así finalmente comprenderemos el verdadero propósito de la vida al ser invitados por nuestros propios hermanos, para visitar los templos que se encuentran en el mar y las montañas los que componen una belleza, que dejaría a cualquier persona rendido ante esta gran realidad y sobrepasado humanamente por la grandeza de quien nos creo ( Dios ) .
Usted se estará preguntando como es que conocemos de esto , bueno muy simple porque el contacto con estas jerarquías del espacio permitió comprender y de esta manera ver parte de esta realidad, que es la verdad que fue ocultada del ojo del hombre común, que no esta interesado en crecer espiritualmente quedando atrapado en esta dimensionalidad .
Esta capacidad de ver mas alla de lo material es el Ojo de Horus o de Herur- ur como le llamaron los egipcios , y que es ademas la escuela del conocimiento mas antigua del planeta tierra donde se enseñaba a hombres y mujeres parte de estas materias aumentando su nivel de conciencia despertando grandes capacidades en ellos unificándolos con un propósito mayor de un modelo superior de evolucion para el ser humano .
Estos conocimientos fueron traídos de mundos lejanos a nuestro sistema y guardados lejos de los ojos de los hombres porque ellos gente de la tierra violaron la ley del universo , hasta que el hombre pudiera tener la capacidad de renunciar y tomar el camino del modelo de evolución superior que muchos otros seres tomaron en otros planetas y hoy están aquí para ayudarnos y a compañarnos en este salto .
Hoy por la voluntad de nuestro creador comenzamos a despertar y comprender los mas grandes misterios de nuestra tierra porque tenemos un hermano que traspaso esos niveles de conocimiento y hoy los esta compartiendo y entregando abiertamente en señal de amor para con todos quienes quieran escuchar y ver la verdad de lo que hay arriba .
Estamos siendo invitados para participar y unirnos en una sola señal porque Dios esta en todo lo que nos une y no en lo que no separa palabras del ser que contacto en Chile el 2003 , no hablamos de religión hablamos de fe de creer y unirnos en un vivir único en una unificación única dejando de lado las marcas , eso es lo que los extraterrestres llaman vivir en Dios ellos viven en el no están en el creer ya traspasaron eso .
Estamos camino hoy a la unificación unión de todas las religiones del mundo se unirá el oriente con el occidente porque nuestros hermanos de la galaxia traen con ellos el mensaje único y nos preparan como pueblo de luz para el despertar de la simiente del hijo de dios que esta en cada uno de los trabajadores de la luz , entorno a una sola causa común la que finalmente permitirá una civilización y pueblo superior que se aliniará con el que ya existe arriba en la galaxia .
Preparados y con esta conciencia seremos capaces de visitar otros mundos habitados y ayudar como lo hicieron con nosotros desde un principio, como lo revelan hoy nuestros hermanos que nos vistan aquí, esto esta mencionado en los antiguos textos sagrados de lo cual poco o nada conocemos y se nos enseña .
Medite en su corazón estas palabras llenas de luz porque será el futuro no muy lejano de esta humanidad y de todos quienes comprendan y trabajen su energía interior despertando el cristo que hay en cada uno de nosotros utilizando la fe el amor y la compasión el mas poderoso escudo que hay en el universo que fue traido a la tierra por la gran triada
Padre Hijo y Espiritu santo .
Padre Hijo y Espiritu santo .
Enseñanazas de nuestro hermano que fotografia hoy las naves ovnis y que yo comunico al mundo porque tambien estoy como ustedes despierto a esta realidad
Ya hay un grupo de ellos aquí que están trabajando, una colonia proveniente de uno de los sistemas estelares ya esta establesida en tierra de años, ellos enseñaron al hombre de la tierra la avanzada ciencia en el pasado .
Hombres de la tierra en importantes puestos en el pasado conocieron de ellos y de sus intenciones, pero guardaron y escondieron toda la informacion a la humanidad.
Su escritura es en símbolos, complejos y matemáticos pues dominan la ciencia de la avanzada geometría y sus aristas.
Las naves mas pequeñas salen de una mas grande pero el hombre no las podrá ver, ellos trabajaran usando sus mentes en contacto con algunas personas de la tierra
Están aquí y en son de paz .
Hablan de la unión entre las personas la importancia de que permanezcan unidos todos quienes sientan el llamado, ellos viven en la fe están en Dios son seres de gran poder mental de aspecto hermoso con forma totalmente humana .
Dominan todos los idiomas conocidos por el hombre y otros que ya nosotros no tenemos recuerdos, se quedaran en la tierra el hombre deberá compartir con ellos y aprender los conocimientos perdidos de la tierra todo en su momento Dios es un Dios de orden no olvidar dicen ellos .
Se mostraran tarde o temprano y se les hablara y ellos romperán la voz del hombre, tiempo en que la humanidad conocerá y despertara a la verdad .
Fin del mensaje hoy
Amigos estamos en camino a conocer esta realidad
Aumentaran las señales en el cielo , en distintos lugares de la tierra pero solo algunos conocerán y comprenderán en esta primera etapa.
26 DE ABRIL DEL 2008
Los Angeles de God is transparent can take any form and energy plenty we saw, them and we photographed in Chile
A new and recent experience with these strange phenomena advance to the events confirms totally Chilean Maike Sierra .
By Web masters to be able of is sorry
A time back Maike said very textually and I communicate this information abiertamente;
I was informed today into the arrival in the next months two great stellar ships to the Earth, in them are at the moment realised studies of the state of our pleneta, would be located these stellar ships in the sector of the Andes .
They will not be visible to the human eye people therefore must be calm, these ships transport to perosnas of the galaxy our brothers that work helping the planet.
I give this information and that publicly it is of interest for those who has the capacity to understand the importance of this for our planet.
As they will again see Maike in those days advance the events, today we received the confirmation of the appearance in Argentina of a great ship ufo never before seen in the place with details from the witnesses who wear totally and so Maike I inform in the past.
You will be able to find this information completely, reviewing old texts of contact publications ufo of some time back. Another incredible event happened recently that agrees with an old text, is the one that talks about to writings by the Argentine considered (nostradamus Argentine) that wrote several texts in which clearly the following thing is spoken.
The Andes would speak to the
world of the truth of the beings of the space ..................................
The appearance of the extraterrestrial ones in the codillera of the andes Chile the past 6 of Julio is definitively a world-wide event of much importance that was prophesied by BENJAMIN SOLARI in the past, this way I demonstrate that these S-events totally real and comprise of history than it will happen with the humanity as spends the time.
All these signals have a tremendous importance I therefore recommend that people put much attention to everything as soon as it not only happens in Chile, but throughout the world referring to the presence of the people of the galaxy in our planet.
Other important words of Maike here where one talks about to the presence of the extraterrestrial ones, which I consider to mention publicly so that we pruned all to include/understand better the subject, It says that they people who live in the galaxy did not realise contact some with any government of this planet.
They would not answer the signals of organisms that look for intelligent life outside our planetary system, one of them known is the SETI organism that looks for extraterrestrial intelligent life with a budget which we meet millionaire the one that they spend every year.
Maike personally control in the past two letters informing to this and other organisms referring of this matter.
You would ask yourself like is possible that this organism does not find intelligent life here extraterrestrial, if in our planet reports of the phenomenon exist every day ufo by which furthermore they estan by everybody.
With this I demonstrate that there is a manipulation of this subject in the world. But Maike arrives today at the 84,000 photographies and even has the incredible capacity to leave at any time and to photograph or video to record to any hour, ufos along with strange phenomena in the sky that as all know tie people to the area of science do not manage to explain today.
This confir to me because personally I was witness of this reality, but is very important that the people understand that each of these registries altogether with the appearance of the ufos gives a single us and powerful signal for our humanity today.
The first that we are not single, second that is important that the human being changes his conduct in all the planet because model that there is today here does not serve and letter against the evolution of brings back to consciousness that it is and we include/understand the unique way to be able to grow without car to destroy to us that is by where many estan erradamente walking today.
Practicing the compassion and the love along with the truth we will only be free as it teaches and it explains the Bible to us and this way we will be able to advance with a human but human model of being which can transfer the different dimensions bringing the foundations from the secret.
This way catapulting us at a high level but where we will be and participate like a galactic super civilization using all our gifts and talents altogether with the integral beings of magnetic light electro composed of pure energy the same that seem in it photographies obtained by Maike in Chile that is today arriving every time in but amount and hopes here to be able soon would find abiertamente with all we.
The skies will be abrirán again and we will see the great presence of our creator and the man will understand finally that never we were single and that they our brothers have their temples right here, in the other dimension that is another reality that we do not see but that this here.
We will fall tired before this reality when seeing that they appear in different beautiful places of the planet cities of light, wonderful temples that speak of great and powerful beings of light who work in all the universe.
Thus finally we will include/understand the true intention of the life to the being invited by our own brothers, to visit the temples that are in the sea and mountains those that compose a beauty, that would leave to any person rendered before this great reality and exceeded humanly by the greatness of that I create to us (God).
You will be asking yourself like is that we know this, good very simple because the contact with these hierarchies of the space allowed to include/understand and this way to see part of this reality, that is the truth that was hidden of the eye of the common man, that not this interested in growing spiritually being catched in this dimensionality.
This capacity to see beyond the material is the Eye of Horus or Herur- ur as the Egyptians called to him, and that is furthermore the school of the knowledge but old of the planet earth where it taught to men and women it leaves from these matters increasing his level of brings back to consciousness waking up great capacities in them unifying them with a greater intention of a model evolution superior the human being.
These knowledge were brought of distant worlds to our system and kept far from the eyes from the men because they Earth people broke the law of the universe, until the man could have the capacity to resign and to take the way from the evolution model superior that many other beings took in other planets and today they are here for helping us and to compañar to us in this jump. Today by the will of our creator we began to wake up and to include/understand but the great mysteries of our earth because we have a brother who crossing those levels of knowledge and today this sharing and abiertamente giving in signal of love towards all whoever to listen to and to see the truth than has above.
We are being invited to participate and to unite us in a single signal because God this in everything what it unites to us and not in which does not separate words of the being who contact in Chile the 2003, we did not speak of religion we spoke of faith to believe and to unite us in living unique in a unique unification leaving of side the marks, that is what the extraterrestrial ones call to live in God they live in are not in believing already transferred that.
We are way today to the unification union of all the religions of the world will be united the east with the West because our brothers of the galaxy bring with them the unique message and they prepare like light town waking up of the simiente of the God son that this in each one of the workers of the light, surroundings to a single common cause the one that finally will allow a civilization and town superior that will be aliniará with that already it exists above in the galaxy.
Preparations and with this bring back to consciousness we will be able to visit other inhabited worlds and to help they from the beginning did since it with us, as they today reveal our brothers who dress to us here, this mentioned in old sacred texts of which little or nothing we know and it is taught to us.
It meditates in his heart these words full of light because he will be the future not very distant of this humanity and of all that include/understand and work their inner energy waking up the Christ whom there is in each of us using the faith the love and the compassion but the powerful shield that there is in the universe that went traido to the Earth by great triada Father Son and Spirit santo.
Enseñanazas of our brother who photograph today the ships ufos and that I communicate to the world because also I am like you wide-awake to this reality
Two great stellar ships would arrive altogether at the Earth within the next months silence, they would occupy mountainous zones, transport outpost equipment technology a complete laboratory they are helping to the Earth by the damage that we are the terrestrial ones causing to him of several years.
You will be able to find this information completely, reviewing old texts of contact publications ufo of some time back. Another incredible event happened recently that agrees with an old text, is the one that talks about to writings by the Argentine considered (nostradamus Argentine) that wrote several texts in which clearly the following thing is spoken.
The Andes would speak to the
world of the truth of the beings of the space ..................................
The appearance of the extraterrestrial ones in the codillera of the andes Chile the past 6 of Julio is definitively a world-wide event of much importance that was prophesied by BENJAMIN SOLARI in the past, this way I demonstrate that these S-events totally real and comprise of history than it will happen with the humanity as spends the time.
All these signals have a tremendous importance I therefore recommend that people put much attention to everything as soon as it not only happens in Chile, but throughout the world referring to the presence of the people of the galaxy in our planet.
Other important words of Maike here where one talks about to the presence of the extraterrestrial ones, which I consider to mention publicly so that we pruned all to include/understand better the subject, It says that they people who live in the galaxy did not realise contact some with any government of this planet.
They would not answer the signals of organisms that look for intelligent life outside our planetary system, one of them known is the SETI organism that looks for extraterrestrial intelligent life with a budget which we meet millionaire the one that they spend every year.
Maike personally control in the past two letters informing to this and other organisms referring of this matter.
You would ask yourself like is possible that this organism does not find intelligent life here extraterrestrial, if in our planet reports of the phenomenon exist every day ufo by which furthermore they estan by everybody.
With this I demonstrate that there is a manipulation of this subject in the world. But Maike arrives today at the 84,000 photographies and even has the incredible capacity to leave at any time and to photograph or video to record to any hour, ufos along with strange phenomena in the sky that as all know tie people to the area of science do not manage to explain today.
This confir to me because personally I was witness of this reality, but is very important that the people understand that each of these registries altogether with the appearance of the ufos gives a single us and powerful signal for our humanity today.
The first that we are not single, second that is important that the human being changes his conduct in all the planet because model that there is today here does not serve and letter against the evolution of brings back to consciousness that it is and we include/understand the unique way to be able to grow without car to destroy to us that is by where many estan erradamente walking today.
Practicing the compassion and the love along with the truth we will only be free as it teaches and it explains the Bible to us and this way we will be able to advance with a human but human model of being which can transfer the different dimensions bringing the foundations from the secret.
This way catapulting us at a high level but where we will be and participate like a galactic super civilization using all our gifts and talents altogether with the integral beings of magnetic light electro composed of pure energy the same that seem in it photographies obtained by Maike in Chile that is today arriving every time in but amount and hopes here to be able soon would find abiertamente with all we.
The skies will be abrirán again and we will see the great presence of our creator and the man will understand finally that never we were single and that they our brothers have their temples right here, in the other dimension that is another reality that we do not see but that this here.
We will fall tired before this reality when seeing that they appear in different beautiful places of the planet cities of light, wonderful temples that speak of great and powerful beings of light who work in all the universe.
Thus finally we will include/understand the true intention of the life to the being invited by our own brothers, to visit the temples that are in the sea and mountains those that compose a beauty, that would leave to any person rendered before this great reality and exceeded humanly by the greatness of that I create to us (God).
You will be asking yourself like is that we know this, good very simple because the contact with these hierarchies of the space allowed to include/understand and this way to see part of this reality, that is the truth that was hidden of the eye of the common man, that not this interested in growing spiritually being catched in this dimensionality.
This capacity to see beyond the material is the Eye of Horus or Herur- ur as the Egyptians called to him, and that is furthermore the school of the knowledge but old of the planet earth where it taught to men and women it leaves from these matters increasing his level of brings back to consciousness waking up great capacities in them unifying them with a greater intention of a model evolution superior the human being.
These knowledge were brought of distant worlds to our system and kept far from the eyes from the men because they Earth people broke the law of the universe, until the man could have the capacity to resign and to take the way from the evolution model superior that many other beings took in other planets and today they are here for helping us and to compañar to us in this jump. Today by the will of our creator we began to wake up and to include/understand but the great mysteries of our earth because we have a brother who crossing those levels of knowledge and today this sharing and abiertamente giving in signal of love towards all whoever to listen to and to see the truth than has above.
We are being invited to participate and to unite us in a single signal because God this in everything what it unites to us and not in which does not separate words of the being who contact in Chile the 2003, we did not speak of religion we spoke of faith to believe and to unite us in living unique in a unique unification leaving of side the marks, that is what the extraterrestrial ones call to live in God they live in are not in believing already transferred that.
We are way today to the unification union of all the religions of the world will be united the east with the West because our brothers of the galaxy bring with them the unique message and they prepare like light town waking up of the simiente of the God son that this in each one of the workers of the light, surroundings to a single common cause the one that finally will allow a civilization and town superior that will be aliniará with that already it exists above in the galaxy.
Preparations and with this bring back to consciousness we will be able to visit other inhabited worlds and to help they from the beginning did since it with us, as they today reveal our brothers who dress to us here, this mentioned in old sacred texts of which little or nothing we know and it is taught to us.
It meditates in his heart these words full of light because he will be the future not very distant of this humanity and of all that include/understand and work their inner energy waking up the Christ whom there is in each of us using the faith the love and the compassion but the powerful shield that there is in the universe that went traido to the Earth by great triada Father Son and Spirit santo.
Enseñanazas of our brother who photograph today the ships ufos and that I communicate to the world because also I am like you wide-awake to this reality
Two great stellar ships would arrive altogether at the Earth within the next months silence, they would occupy mountainous zones, transport outpost equipment technology a complete laboratory they are helping to the Earth by the damage that we are the terrestrial ones causing to him of several years.
Either there is a group of them here who are working, an originating colony of one of the stellar systems or this establesida in land of years, they taught to the Earth man the outpost science in the past.
Earth men in important positions in the past knew them and their intentions, but they kept and they hid all the information to the humanity.
Its writing is in symbols, complexes and mathematicians because they dominate to the science of the outpost geometry and its edges. The small ships but leave one but great but the man will not be able to see them, they would work using their minds in contact with some Earth people.
They are here and in they are of peace.
They speak of the union between the people the importance of which remains united all who feel the call, they live in the faith are in God are beings of great mental power of beautiful aspect with totally human form.
They dominate all the languages known by the man and other that already we do not have memories, remained in the Earth the man will have to share with them and to learn the lost Earth knowledge everything God is a God of order at the time not to forget say they.
They would be sooner or later and he would be spoken to them and they will break the voice of the man time in which the humanity will know and woke up to the truth.
of the message today Friendly we are on way to know this reality They would increase the signals in the sky, in different Earth places but some will know and only include/understand in this first stage.
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